What could be the reason for you low back pain? What can be done for it?
Looking online at statistics it’s difficult to identify exactly how many people in the UK have back pain each year, Although it’s clear that the numbers are high and that back pain is a real issue for us, whatever our age. According to the Unison National website (unison.org.uk) around 12 million working days are lost each year which is a huge amount of productivity that doesn’t happen!
So what can we do to prevent it
Keeping as active, fit, strong and flexible as you can are key. As are maintaining good posture, avoiding prolonged postures whether sitting or standing. Lifting and handling heavier or awkward things well appropriately and getting help when we know it’s too heavy or difficult for us to do on our own is important. Trying to maintain a healthy weight is another way we can help ourselves.
I’m a big fan of cross training. I don’t mean on a cross trainer necessarily, although that can be good. More about doing several different things that look after our posture, core and backs keeping us strong, flexible and our hearts healthy. For example a game of tennis, pilates, weight training with some stretches; or perhaps, gardening, chair-lates (that’s pilates in a chair not with a latte :-)!) then swimming or a walk. Varying our activities can really help keep our muscles working and flexibiilty good.
If you do get back pain, don’t panic – good management is key and help is available
If you’re new to back pain and aren’t sure how to manage yours, either have a read through the link below or try to speak with a health care professional/GP. I’m happy to help. If you’re a regular sufferer of low back pain the likelihood is you’ll know what to do. Good posture and keeping moving can both help for all sorts of back pain.
Low back pain can be due to a number of factors
People who come to me usually describe low back issues as pain, spasm or stiffness. These can be the result of a localised issue with the joint, ligament, disc or muscle.
Some people describe pain radiating away from their back, ‘sciatica’ (the irritation of the sciatic nerve which runs from our low back) down to the buttock, back of their leg(s) and sometimes tingling or numbness in the leg or foot. This may be accompanied by a change of sensation/feeling and or strength in their legs. Alteration to bladder and bowel activity and pins and needles/numbness in the groin can also be a symptom of low back problems which needs urgent medical input.
There are many different presentations of back pain and reasons for the pain. We’re all different so it’s important to make sure that when you do get back pain, if it’s not something you know how to deal with, that you get some advice to help resolve things as quickly and appropriately as possible. For example long hours of bed rest is not recommended although that maybe the thing that feels most welcome.
Useful Link for Information
Rather than re-inventing the wheel and writing my suggestions here I’ve added this link which has a wealth of information about back pain, what causes it and how to treat it. It also offers advice about how to avoid it such as keeping weight down, keeping active and watching what we eat.
If you’d like help with your back pain please do call 07984203698