Discounted Physio Sessions Now Available

I saw this MAC cartoon yesterday (Daily Mail 12.1.17) and it made me smile.  It also made me think.  What can I do to help improve the situation for people needing physio for whom the waiting lists are just too long?

We all have need of the NHS at some time in our lives and it’s a fantastic service to have however the daily updates of how it’s at crisis point are no joke especially as the winter months are now upon us.  

We all know there are no quick fixes to the crisis but one way we can all help to ease the burden is by making sure we take good care of ourselves as much as we can which includes the age old message of eating healthily and taking regular exercise.

So you may ask, what’s this got to do with physio?  Well, depending on where you live the waiting list for physio treatment can be anything from a couple of months to more than six by which time whatever you needed treatment for has probably either sorted itself out or become even more of a problem.

Working in private practice I am able to see people shortly after their problems occur and for most people a treatment or two is enough to get them back on their road to recovery.  The key to the speedy recovery is being able to access treatment sooner rather than later.     I appreciate that private physio has a cost and for many people this is the stumbling block.   However getting back to work or being able to do the things you want and need to do as quickly as possible must surely be important.

With this in mind on Mondays between 1200-1500 any new patient will be given their initial and first follow up appointment at the discounted rate of £5 off the full price.  Due to a busy diary the day and time is restricted and please note that there can’t be any other deals or discounts used with this deal however you should be able to have an appointment within a week of your call.  The details and times are below as well as the ‘small print’ please do have a read and then give us a call and see how we can help.

The details:

Call us and quote ’Magnificent Monday’ – available at our Salisbury clinic on Monday between 1200-1500 only

The small print: 

      *  we will offer you an appointment within a week or less,

  • £5 off the initial assessment rate and the first treatment only
  • appointments MUST be within these times to benefit from the discounted rate or normal rates will apply,
  • discounts cannot be used in conjunction with other offers/deals
  • fees must be pay-as-you-go. (Cash or cheque only in Salisbury,  no private medical insurance)

To book your appointment and get your aches and pains looked at quickly simply text or call 07984203698 or email and quote ‘Magnificent Monday’.